Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Even though both sparta and athens differ from each other they both have important things in common.

 Sparta differs from athens in many ways espeacially in the views of women rights. You can find evidence of this in document five were xenophon, athenian soilder and writer from his book the constition of sparta,he speaks in third person about the way  women were treated in athens and sparta.

 Sparta also differs in battle strategy and their honor to their leader and country. In document one evidence is provided by demaratus (ex_king of sparta),recorded in herodotus written in the fifth century in third person. Demaratus talks about how the spartans accepts law and how its forbidden for the spartans to flee from battle.

In document four a corinthian diplomat speaks to the spartan assembly about their distrust in people who come into sparta. He points out to the spartans judgement puts them out of touch with foreign affairs or outside help. He speaks in third person so its not just speaking of himself.

Athens on the other hand differs from sparta in their government and government power in document 2 pericles speaks about the democracy of athens "our administration places power in the hands of the many and not the few".This is a key quote because it tells you that the government is putting trust into many which means not one person runs the whole show.

But in document three one describes that the athenian constitution shows favor to the rich more than the poor. The document is written in the perspective of a man observing what the athenian constitution is all about.Giving rights to the well off and not the poor class citizen.

Aristotle is a greek philosopher who ruled athens in the fifth century.He is important to athens because as explained in document 9 his unitment of all the people from rich to poor was one of his methods of great leadership in athens.

Both athens and sparta has similarities as well.Even though sparta had disagreements with trade and letting many foreigners into sparta they still traded similar items with athens as discussed in document 7.

Both sparta and athens had their own slaves or helots and citizens of the country as shown in document 6,but sparta didn't have any metics (resident aliens).

At the end I feel that with all of their differences sparta and athens was two of the great civilizations of their time period. One fought with fist and muscle the other fought with intellect and witt.Both had two of the most strategic battle strategies of all time.To this day our military is based on these two civilizations.

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